Thursday, 21 May 2009

If You Read One Article This Week...

...make it the Guardian's From-the-Vault on Celtic's Lisbon Lion's European Cup victory. This is the stuff I grew up with. This is why I love football. This is what I believe in:

"Inter will play it defensively. That's their way and it's their
But we feel we have a duty to play the game our way, and our way is to attack. Win or lose, we want to make the game worth remembering. Just to be involved in an occasion like this is a tremendous honour and we think it puts an obligation on us. We can be as hard and professional as anybody, but I mean it when I say that we don't just want to win this cup. We want to win it playing good football, to make neutrals glad we've done it, glad to remember how we did it."
Jock Stein.

You can't say fairer than that for a philosophy of football.

Look out for some end-of-season features next week!